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Prophetic Voices

Amos 7:14 King James Version (KJV) 14 Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdsman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit: 15 And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel.

I heard the words “prophetic voices” in prayer and this is what I received. Amos was a sheepherder and farmer with a call from God to speak to Israel. He was not trained as a prophet but when he heard the voice of God in the fields, he responded to the call. I know that God is calling forth some voices from their “fields in this hour.” I pray that they will have their ears awakened morning by morning to hear the word of the Lord.

  • Who are the prophetic voices?

  • What do they have to say?

  • When is the time to speak up?

  • Where is their Platform?

Who will speak up for children who are being bullied, committing suicide or just falling far behind their peers on a global scale? Perhaps it will be educators with a passion to see no child left behind regardless of economic status, race, immigration status or social status. Perhaps it will be a politician who has a special needs child with a special passion to see all children being treated equal. Perhaps it will be a single parent whose struggles have made them sensitive to the fact that their kids need a good education to succeed in life.

Who will speak up for the elderly who has labored and toiled and in their later years realizes that they cannot afford to live in a fast-paced society that has discretionary income that drives the economy? Perhaps it will be a millennial that has risen to the top at an astonishing pace but realizes their grandmother is struggling to make ends meet. Perhaps it will be an elderly senator whose heart has been touched by the plight of their peers. Who will speak up for the downtrodden, financially burdened, sick, hopeless and homeless? Perhaps it may be you.

What is your cause? What do you have to say? What is your passion? You can only speak your true convictions because the bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak. I urge you to speak up as a prophetic voice in this generation so that the masses can hear eternal truths such as we were created with purpose and we all should have an opportunity to fulfill our purpose. What will move your heart with such compassion that it will cause your vocal cords to be strong and loosened at the same time? I say to the timid and those who have been prepared in obscurity, now just may be the time to come forth as a prophetic voice in this hour. What will you say? Say that you have no tolerance for injustice. Say that unity is superior to division. Say what you believe and have the facts to back it up.

When will we decide that perhaps I am the voice that will influence others in my generation? We may ask ourselves if not now when and If not me who? When will we discover that poet of justice hidden within or that psalmist that will soothe wounded souls? When is a good time to speak up for the good of those that have been silenced by unspoken fears such as Fear of not being accepted, fear of lost wages, fear of being in fearful situations. Perhaps the time is now, you decide.

Where is our platform? Is it in the political arena, entertainment business, workers union, and university system or college campus? Is it in the food industry, labor department, environmental rights etc.? I am trying to make the point that the prophetic voices are not limited to any particular sphere. Speak up for what is right! Speak up to those who need to hear your voice. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Speak Prophetic voices!!

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