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Sheep: 101

Recently, during my prayer and study time, I was lead to research the nature of sheep. In doing so, I found out quite a few interesting things. When the scriptures speak about God's people, there are quite a few metaphors used, such as: mount up with wings as eagles, become fishers of men, and be as harmless as doves. But Jesus himself calls us sheep. The bible says in John chapter 10, my sheep know my voice, and a stranger they will not follow. As you meditate on these characteristics of sheep, examine yourself...are you following your shepherd? Do you have these characteristics? Do you exhibit the behavior of sheep?

  1. Sheep are best known for their strong flocking and following instinct. They band together in large groups for protection.There is safety in numbers.

  2. They follow a leader. When one sheep moves, the rest will follow, even if it is not a good idea. Even from birth, lambs are taught to follow the older members of the flock.

  3. Sheep are a very social animals; they have an innate desire to fellowship with other sheep.

  4. As a prey animal, sheep must have excellent senses to ensure their survival.

  5. Sheep depend heavily upon their vision. Their eyes are designed to give them a wider field of vision, but on the other hand they have poor depth perception.

  6. Sheep have excellent hearing. They can amplify and pinpoint sound with their ears. In response to loud and unnatural sounds , sheep become more nervous and difficult to handle.

  7. Sheep have an excellent sense of smell. Sheep know what predators smell like; sheep use the sense of smell to locate water and detect differences in feed and pasture plants.

  8. Since most of their body is covered with wool, only the sheep's lips, mouth and ears lend themselves well to feeling behavior.

  9. Sheep have the ability to differentiate feed stuffs and taste may play a role in their behavior.

  10. Changes in normal behavior can be a sign of illness in sheep. Lack of appetite is probably the most common symptom, which is exhibited by a sick sheep. They are almost always hungry. Sheep spend about fifteen percent of their time sleeping. A sheep that is reluctant to get up is probably in pain.

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