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Acts 1:3 - Journey With Jesus

During my morning devotion while meditating on the Lord, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance Acts 1:3: "To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:"

As you can see, Jesus spent forty days teaching them kingdom principles, Kingdom laws and kingdom culture. I live in a country governed by a democracy. I am totally unfamiliar with an absolute monarchy, which is a form of government where the monarch rules unhindered, i.e., without any laws, constitution or legally organized opposition.

I believe that if we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us for forty days those things pertaining to the kingdom it will revolutionize our lives. I am convinced we will never be the same.

While Jesus spent forty days with his disciples he taught them how powerful the church could be with a kingdom mentality. He taught them with authority as the king of kings because he knew the benefits of the kingdom. He demonstrated what the Kingdom should look like. He shared parables and mysteries pertaining to the Kingdom. He told them that the Kingdom was not in word but in power, so after those forty days of instruction his disciples received an expectation of receiving the power of the Holy Ghost. That expectation was fulfilled after following the instructions of Jesus to wait on the promise.

Often the promises of God are fulfilled in our lives through acts of obedience and waiting on the promise.

I challenge you to seek the face of The Lord for forty days. I believe that you will see the kingdom of God opened to you. Your prayer life will increase, your measure of faith will be expanded, and your level of expectation will grow.

I believe that you will begin to experience signs, wonders and miracles in your life and ministry. Take the forty-day journey of seeking the face of Jesus with an expectation that you will receive a kingdom mindset.

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